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- Le Dicoroïd de tripleZone


Triplezone - Mardi 14 Janvier 2025 à 18h 09m 11s
Many thanks Jean Jacques for your kind feedback and the question after Ingjaldshóls and the church. The question is very interesting but not easy to answer in short.

Ingjaldshóll is a former site and manor in the west of Iceland. It is located in the municipality of Snæfellsbær.

There is a note of the history of the church and the place at Wikipedia, in German. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingjaldsh%C3%B3ll

The site guidetoiceland offers a lot of additional information: https://guidetoiceland.is/connect-with-locals/regina/the-historical-ingjaldsholl-on-the-snaefellsnes-peninsula-in-west-iceland
Jj_reypol - Mercredi 08 Janvier 2025 à 19h 20m 33s
Wonderful ! Of course I unterstand the word "kirja", and I guess that "Ingjalds"
or "Ingjaldshóls" is the name of a village or a place… Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Infos sur ce Polaroid® de tripleZone
Titre :
Type de film :
Polaroid® 669
Appareil Photo :
Polaroid® 600-600SE
Vue :
2111 fois
Date d'ajout :
© tripleZone

Photonbleu - jj_reypol - charles p. - Flob - astonuts - Soreal2 
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